Like others, I am so thankful for the easy to follow instructions.

I’m trying to use a Raspberry Pi 4 and a Raspberry Pi touch screen. I’ve got the Headless Plexamp installed thanks to your guide. I’m launching Chromium fine from the Raspberry Pi desktop.

I have two challenges remaining - both seem to be output and/or cast related.

  1. I have a Sennheiser Ambeo sound bar. Using my Plexamp IoS client on my iPad, I can cast to this device. The Raspberry Pi is not involved. When I go to the Raspberry Pi and choose the cast icon, the Ambeo doesn’t show up. Is there something I’m skipping in enabling the casting from the Pi to the Ambeo?

  2. Different use case, same setup. I want to use the Raspberry Pi with Headless Plexamp and the local Chromium browser on the Pi. I want to take the USB out from the Pi4 and connect it to my DAC from Peachtree audio. This does not seem to work. I’m trying to figure out what I would need to do to allow the Pi to use this external DAC.

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